Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is my look for today. Real simple since I was just hanging around the house making video's for youtube! :) I will tell you all about that, but first the breakdown for the outfit.

Grey Tank Top: Old Navy $6.00
White Shirt: Old Navy $5.00
Navy Cardi: Liz Lange for Target $3.74 (yes, I wear Liz Lange! And, no, I am not pregnant. Nothing wrong with that!! lol)
Belt: It's my moms from back in the day.
Jeans: Lane Bryant $20.00 (I bought these like 5 years ago!)
Necklace: Dots $4.00
Shoes: Target $4.97

Ok, so now for the youtube thing. Yesterday I got a comment from Brandi asking about scarves. Well, I LOVE scarves, so I thought I would make a few video's for you all on different ways to tie you scarf or just different ways to wear certain types of scarves! I hope you enjoy me and all my dorkyness.

If you ever wanted to know what its like to hang out with me, guess what? This is what I am really like!! lol

How to tie a french knot:

muffler style scarf:

simple loop and knot:

Double loop and knot:

skinny scarf knot:

chunky knit scarf:

how to tie ascots, hair scarves, and belts:

half bow style:


Katie Keisler said...

So, I am totally going to "follow" your blog... it's a lot like mine, and I love to see what other diva's wear!

Love your style!


Heathahlee said...

WOW! That's a lot of tutorial! Next time I need help with one of my scarves, I know where to come! Thanks, Nikki!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

YOU ARE TOO CUTE!!! Love it!

ohthatgirl said...

I love the tutorials and your sense of humor. :o)

Anonymous said...

I. LOVE. YOU!!!! That was fantastic! Thank you so much. In fact, I think I may hit the thrift store tomorrow when my daughter has dance. I am so excited that you did this for me. You so rock and we could totally hang out any day! -- Brandi

Britt said...

WOW, I never knew one person could talk so long about scarves!!!!! LOL good job! :)

The Beauty Bargainista said...

oh, come on britt, thats a lie and you know it! your my sister, you know how long I can talk about ANYTHING! lol!!

Katherine said...

Wow great tutes!! I have to get myself some scarfs! I love the half bow :)


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